Auto Accident Pain

Auto Accidents Modesto - What you don't
know CAN hurt you!

People that seek proper treatment after their accident heal faster, heal stronger, and minimize whiplash and disability. Our  state-of-the-art 2813 Coffee Road office allows us to provide the most highly rated accident recovery care in this area. Car Insurance usually covers the entire cost of your care. Many people suffer needlessly or live in pain because they do not know their car insurance covers the recovery of their lost health as well as the damage to their car.

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Copyright-Dr. Timothy J. Weimer-2010

Whiplash Injury 2 1/2 minute video

Whiplash Injury Video

Whiplash injury symptoms may include headache, chest pain, back pain, or or pain in  other affected joints of the body.
Symptoms like pain or stiffness often do not appear for days or weeks after the accident. 
Eight Little Known Risk Factors That Influence Recovery

  1. Being Female is a risk factor -
    More bodily damage is caused due to greater flexibility.
  2. History of previous car accidents -
    More damage to a damaged are.
  3. Jaw Trouble -
    Damage occurred to a very sensitive area.
  4. Dizziness -
    Damaged nerves giving wrong balance information to your brain.
  5. Tingling and Numbness -
    Damage to bones, discs or nerves.
  6. Severe Pain -
    Lots of tissue damage.
  7. Position, looking over a shoulder or reaching for something at the time of accident -
    Focused tissue damage.
  8. Smoking -
    Decreased ability to heal.

    Exam room

Auto Accidents - A Guide for Weimer Chiropractic patients.

Our mission is to provide you with correct information and care so that when a car accident occurs, you know how to protect yourself and to ensure recovery of your damaged property and your lost health. A statistic revealed 40% of people still had symptoms from their car accident TWO YEARS  after their car accident. People can lie about the facts causing a long court battle. Do not let this become you!!

Immediately After an Accident
Your Goal: Be Safe and Assist Others!!

1. Help everyone to a safe place. Assist the injured.

2. Call 911. Request police, medical and fire assistance as necessary.

3. For minor accidents and no apparent serious injuries, move cars to the side of the road and out of the way of traffic. Turn on your hazard lights and put out markers and flares as appropriate.

Your Goal: Establish Identities and Find Witnesses

4. Do not discuss the accident with anyone but police. If you are criticized or threatened, write down what is said but do not respond or argue.

5. Get photographs of vehicles and other objects involved. The first picture should be of the other car's license plate. Include skid marks, if any, and full views of the scene. Use the best camera available, cell phone pictures are better than no pictures at all.

6. Exchange information with all drivers involved in the accident. Note the following information:

a. Name, address, and driver's license number of the DRIVER

b. Phone numbers of home, work and cell

c. Insurance Company and policy numbers

d. Description of each car: License plate numbers, year, make and color.

7. Get names, addresses and phone numbers of all witnesses.

8. Write down everything the others involved in the accident say about it and everything you can remember as soon as you can.

exam and x-room at Weimer Chiropractic.

After the Accident
Your Goal: Repair and Recover!!

9. Seek medical attention as soon as possible. Which is more valuable, your health or your car? Protect what is priceless and seek medical or chiropractic attention immediately. Some injuries are obvious, others are not. After an accident many things can be done to minimize the extent of an injury, allowing you to heal better and stronger. If problems continue without proper attention they may take longer to heal or become permanent. Call Weimer Chiropractic at 549-9987 or schedule on the request an appointment link on the  Welcome page.  We can usually get you in the same day. Common injuries are to the neck and back due to your head being whipped back and forth. Feet can be injured due to pounding the brakes. Shoulders and wrists can be injured by an attempting to brace yourself. We treat all these injuries and many more so that they may heal and not become permanent.

10. Check your car (auto) insurance. What coverage do you have? Weimer Chiropractic can check if for you. Most people do not know that their car insurance covers the repair of their vehicle but also covers their medical and chiropractic costs. The purpose of the health coverage is so you may recover your lost health  as well as your damaged property.

Ask Dr. Weimer for a printed copy of this accident section for your glove box so you have this information when you need it.

If you have questions, call 209-549-9987 or use the request appointment link in the right panel. If you have been in an accident we would love to help. Schedule your free personal injury consultation today. It is never too late to get the proper care.

Accident recovery, pain relief and chiropractic neurology is our priority at Weimer Chiropractic.

Testimonials or our patients speak out,. Dr. Weimer is rated 5 star on Facebook, Google, and BizVotes.


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2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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9:00 am - 12:00 noon

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 12:00 noon

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm





9:00 am - 12:00 noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 noon 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm