Modesto's Full Service Chiropractor For Back Pain
"OWW! I threw my back out".
This is a common expression used in frustration to explain chronic back pain that someone is experiencing. People know what is going on with their bodies, what people don't know is what else happens when bones are not in proper alignment.
Bones and Joints
Misalignment cause the surfaces of the joint to offset, creating abnormal points of stress inside the joint, or at other joints that are compensating. Construction workers would call this a "Building Code Violation". Weight that should be spread over 2, sometimes 3 joints is now carried by one. Wear and tear increases bone and muscle degeneration and aging accelerates.
Muscles and Blood Vessels
Being out of alignments cause an abnormal an pull on muscles, blood vessels. Pulling of muscles can cause chronic tightness. Pulling in blood vessels cause less nutrition to be delivered, and less removal of waste.
As it progresses...
As misalignment progress and spread to adjacent areas of the spine "Bad Posture" develops. This is the misalignment of multiple bones. These things that occur when one bone is "out" are multiplied when there are many "out". Fatigue is common, as your body spends energy just try to hold everything together. Muscles change from firm to a rope like muscle spasm. Sometimes posture can progress to cause pulling of the spinal chord itself. Back problems is the major reason for lower performance in sports as well the number one reason for loss of work days.
Chiropractic Adjustments
Restore Bones to their Proper Position, therefore fixing the effects of the misalignment on the joints, nerves, muscles, and blood vessels.
"Back pain is the leading cause of disability in Americans under the age of 45." National Center for health.
Chiropractic vs Medical Care
What drug will put the bone back into place? Who will undergo a surgery to put a bone back? Chiropractic adjustments are painless, fast, effective, and inexpensive. Who can afford not to get adjusted? Numerous studies have documented health care cost savings by regular physical therapy and Chiropractic care.